Young Geelong leaders present ideas in Canberra

The 2023 Olympic Change-Makers at Parliament House, Canberra. (Supplied)

Jena Carr & Matt Hewson

Two Geelong students joined a group of Australia’s brightest young leaders at Parliament House in Canberra last week to present their ideas for the future.

Northern Bay College year 12 student Jevic Mwanza and St Joseph’s College year 10 student Harris Henderson were two of 24 young people selected from more than 900 applicants from around Australia to attend the 2023 Olympic Change-Maker Summit.

While in Canberra the Change-Makers workshopped ideas on how to make positive changes ahead of the 2032 Brisbane Olympics in areas such as sustainability, inclusion and the benefits of sport.

They then presented those ideas to the Australian Olympic Committee in Parliament House.

Jevic said it was a great opportunity to meet other athletes and was an inspiring event.

“It would be one of the things that I’ll probably never forget because I really made a family there with the 25 other athletes around Australia,” he said.

“It was absolutely a privilege and an honour to meet other young like-minded athletes who have like high aspirations and goals to reach the most potential in their athlete lives.”

Jevic has been involved in many local community sports groups through school and his personal life. He said his favourite part about his efforts was seeing everyone having a good time.

“It was never about comparing the different abilities and sporting skills, but just about having go and seeing everyone else challenge themselves and get out of their comfort zone.”

Harris, a dedicated surf lifesaver, said the confidence gained from working with Olympians to workshop and present their ideas were wonderful takeaways from the event.

“I’m so grateful for being able to experience that opportunity,” he said.

“It’s honestly ignited me even more to want to drive change in my community and help others.”