Free Christmas family fun night

Matt Hewson

Families in the northern suburbs can enjoy a fun, free Christmas celebration this week when Rosewall Community Centre hosts its Christmas Family Movie Night.

Corio’s Rosewall Community Centre invites the whole community to come along and join in the festivities on Friday, December 8 at Hendy St Hall.

The evening will feature a Christmas film screening, free popcorn and fairy floss and a very jolly visitor from the North Pole.

Rosewall Community Centre manager Jodie Flood encouraged families to come along in their comfiest clothes, bring a picnic blanket and get their cameras ready for a selfie with Santa himself.

“Christmas can be a really high pressure, high stress occasion for families and this event is to encourage everyone to just slow down and spend some quality time with their loved ones, which we kind of sometimes forget in the rush of Christmas,” Ms Flood said.

“Last year’s Christmas event was so successful that we’ve decided to run it again. Watching a festive movie with some treats really gets everyone in the holiday spirit.

“We want to have a community celebration, give families an opportunity to celebrate Christmas close to home in their local area, and also to have a movie night experience at no cost.”

The community also has the opportunity to have its say on which classic Christmas movie will be shown, with a poll currently open at the Sharland Road centre for families to cast their votes.

The event is free but places are limited. Visit to book your place.