No causes for sick swans

By Jena Carr

Sick swans have been found wandering around Queenscliff and Point Lonsdale, but authorities still have no answers.

A November 16 Facebook post on the Queenscliff Point Lonsdale Community Board raised the alarm about sick birds being found in the region, with some being found dead.

A local wildlife volunteer told the Independent that it was unusual for the swans to be found outside Swan Island in multiple places around Point Lonsdale and Queenscliff.

The volunteer also said they had been answering calls from people who found sick or dead swans and had alerted wildlife authorities to the issue.

Members of the Queenscliff and Point Lonsdale communities had suggested the illness could be in relation to poor water quality or a disease transmitted from foreign birds.

Barwon Water chief scientist Doctor Will Buchanan said community members contacted the organisation regarding the swans’ health in the Point Lonsdale area.

“There was a minor sewer spill in the area on August 17, but it didn’t enter any waterways,” he said.

“Our swift clean up and disinfection response meant there were no adverse environmental impacts from the spill.”

A Borough of Queenscliff spokesperson said the council was aware of the issue and would be “keeping an eye on the situation”.

“At this stage, we are not aware of any causes,” they said.

“Wildlife Victoria have been notified, and subsequently the affected swans were collected by volunteers.”

There are currently no definite answers to why the swans are becoming sick. Zoos Victoria said it would not speculate on links or causes of illness in any animal without strong evidence.

Wildlife authorities ask anyone who sees a sick or dead swan to contact Wildlife Victoria on 03 8400 7300 or Zoos Victoria’s Marine Response Unit on 1300 245 678.