Walkers stepping out for health and coffee

Jane Emerick
Walk for the health benefits but, more importantly, walk for the coffee.
That’s the message a Torquay walking group is using to urge other residents to join them on their weekly strolls.
Surf Coast Life Activities Club’s beach walking group convener Bill Cutter said the threeyear old program had helped many people aged over 55 boost health and social networks as well.
Mr Cutter said the group met Thursdays for walks in Torquay but stepped out once a month to stroll elsewhere on the Surf Coast as a treat.
He encouraged stayathometypes to put their best feet forward with the group.
“It’s all well and good to say you’re going to walk but meeting with a group helps you to walk a bit further, more often,” he said.
“It’s also a lot more fun than walking on your own. We walk six kilometres and then, most importantly, we stop for a coffee and a talk.”
Mr Cutter, one of the oldest members of the group at 70, welcomed anyone to join the walks.
The 55years age limit was “flexible”, he admitted.
Surf Coast Life Activities Club also offers dancing, reading, cinema, music, cycling, canoe/kayak, gardening, language, resistance training, tennis, craft and Tai Chi clubs.
Mr Cutter asked anyone interest in joining the Life Activities Club to phone 5261 6574 or 0407 806 490.