Les Kelly OAM

Les Kelly OAM has given more than five decades of service to the CFA. (Ivan Kemp) 339490_02

By Justin Flynn

Les Kelly has been honoured with an OAM for services through emergency response organisations.

The Lara resident grew up on a farm at Marcus Hill and joined the CFA when he was young.

“It was something to do and I could drive the farm vehicle across to where we trained at the Mannerim Hall, I was about 12 or 14 – you couldn’t do that now,” he said.

“It’s given me a lot of life skills as how to command people and direct operations at a fire. You’ve got to do it the right way and get along with, and direct, people. It’s not about just giving orders.”

Mr Kelly was made a life member of the CFA Victoria in 2017 and has given more than 50 years to the organisation and received a National Medal in 1988 with 3rd Clasp in 2014.

He has been District 7 Brigade captain since 2008 and is a former president of Lara Lions.

“I’ve still got to pinch myself,” Mr Kelly said of the OAM.

“You think whether there’s somebody more deserving. You don’t do it for the recognition but it’s nice when it comes.”

Mr Kelly moved to Lara in 1968 and then the 1969 bushfires swept through.

“You never forget it,” he said.

“The day and the way the wind was and the temperature. You couldn’t stand up in the wind, you had to hold onto the truck.”

Mr Kelly said without the support of his late wife and daughter, he never would have been able to give the service he has.