New policy protecting people from trees

By Jena Carr

Surf Coast Shire Council has adopted the Tree Risk Management Plan 2023-27 to protect its community from fallen trees across the area.

The plan aims to set out a system for the council to inspect, identify and evaluate the health, condition and defects that may contribute to the loss of structural integrity in the trees.

Councillor Mike Bodsworth said the tree management plan was essential and reflected the council’s duty of care.

“The retention of trees that don’t pose a risk is an important part of it,” he said.

“This tree risk management plan is about taking a proactive approach to the management of trees.

“It provides a systematic approach to the management of risks posed by trees on council-managed land.

“That way we don’t go around getting rid of trees unless that’s necessary and this management plan provides that framework to know when it’s necessary or not.”

Councillor Adrian Schonfelder said it was the council’s responsibility to maintain the public’s safety and reduce the risk of injury due to fallen trees.

“We’re very fortunate in the Surf Coast Shire to have so many beautiful trees,” he said.

“We don’t want to cut down every tree that exists to try and achieve a safe community, so there is a balancing act in relation to it all.”

Council also decided to adopt the Graffiti Management Policy to help minimalise the impacts of graffiti and promote instant reporting of any illegal defacing of property during its May meeting.