Little love for Geelong in state budget

Matt Hewson

The Andrews government delivered its 2023-24 budget this week with few pleasant surprises for the Geelong region.

Funding remained in place for many projects and programs around the area, including a share of $2.6 billion in Commonwealth Games funding.

However, the state government offered little in the way of funding for new projects as it announced measures to implement the payback of its $31.5 billion COVID debt through medium and large business payroll taxes.

Geelong mayor Trent Sullivan said while council was disappointed in some of the budgetary decisions it welcomed all election commitments being funded.

“While we understand the need to make tough budgetary decisions in the current economic climate, we are disappointed that grants programs that have delivered or are delivering great outcomes for the community are not continuing,” Mayor Sullivan said.

“We look forward to the Victorian government clarifying what investment is set aside for the upcoming Commonwealth Games and Geelong Fast Rail.”

G21 chief executive Giulia Baggio described the budget as “tough” and the report card for the G21 region as “mixed”.

“While construction of transport projects continue in Melbourne, the G21 region still requires billions of dollars to upgrade its public transport and active transport networks and this remains a key priority for our communities,” Ms Baggio said.

“The likelihood of any major investment for this fast-growing region is now on a very delayed timetable.”

Mayor Sullivan said council would continue to advocate the state government for “urgent public transport investment” in the region.

Ms Baggio said while Geelong’s transport and other basic infrastructure desperately required large-scale funding, the budget did honour the government’s commitments to the region’s growth areas and even committed a small amount of extra funding.

The government reconfirmed $30 million for a new Armstrong Creek ambulance station, $125 million for Barwon Heads Road Stage 2 roadworks and $26 million for a New Schools Planning Fund including a new secondary school in Armstrong Creek and Mount Duneed.

A number of planned constructions of early learning centres and upgrades of local schools will go ahead as planned.

As part of a wide-ranging investment strategy to support First Nation peoples, the government will provide funding for a Geelong regional hub model for Aboriginal Legal Services and continue funding local safe space Stronger Brother, Stronger Sister.

Ms Baggio said the G21 Region would also be a strong contender to secure its place as a clean energy hub and would pitch for a number of clean energy projects whose locations are yet to be announced.