Get walking for Parkinson’s

The Carrolan family at last years A Walk in the Park. (Supplied)

Matt Hewson

Fight Parkinson’s invites the people of Geelong and the Bellarine Peninsula to join them at Eastern Park to shine a light on the world’s fastest growing neurological condition.

Geelong will play host to regional Victoria’s largest A Walk in the Park event, raising funds and awareness for Parkinson’s Disease.

The World Health Organisation last year announced that globally, disability and death due to Parkinson’s are increasing faster than for any other neurological disorder, with the prevalence of the disease doubling in the past 25 years.

A primary focus of this year’s A Walk in the Park is combating common misconceptions around the disease, which many think of as a shaking disease mostly diagnosed in older people.

While age increases the risk of Parkinson’s, the disease affects people in their mid-30s, with sufferers experiencing different combinations of any of 40 different symptoms.

Geelong committee member Martin Moore who also lives with Parkinson’s, said raising awareness and seeing the support of the wider community at A Walk in the Park was just as important as the fundraising aspect of the event.

“The people (living with Parkinson’s) who are there will really appreciate knowing there are people out there who care and are willing to be there for us,” Mr Moore said.

“We also want people to realise that it is a common disease and even though we’re suffering from this condition, we are just normal people who are trying to deal with it.

“I think if you’re not exposed to people who have it, it can be quite awkward if someone’s struggling with their speech or having difficulty communicating. If people can understand better, then I think that helps everyone.”

A Walk in the Park will take place on Sunday, May 7 in Eastern Park commencing at 9.30am, with entertainment, a sausage sizzle, coffee van and merchandise for sale.

At 10.30am participants will set off on a 2km walk around the park via a mobility-friendly course suitable for wheelchairs and prams.

Everyone who registers for A Walk in the Park and raises $25 will receive a free event t-shirt. Register at or call Fight Parkinson’s on 03 8809 0400.