Your hit list. What locals hate most

Alex de Vos
Neglected roads and footpaths, “inappropriate” development and inadequate public transport have emerged as pet hates on the Bellarine Peninsula.
Residents fingered their least favourite aspects of the peninsula during surveys and public meetings to form a strategic plan for the region.
City of Greater Geelong will use the plan to guide development of the peninsula from 2006 to 2016.
The City supplied the Independent this week with results from the consultations in towns from Breamlea to St Leonards.
Other community concerns to emerge in the surveys included increasing traffic.
Residents were particularly worried about pedestrian safety around schools and shopping centres.
Residents also outlined problems related to traffic flow and parking, rating them as serious concerns.
Other issues of concern on the peninsula included the large proportion of elderly residents living alone and limited access to health services.
Limited full-time employment opportunities and a lack of education facilities for adults were other problem areas.
Youths singled out inadequate entertainment and recreational options as a problem for them on the peninsula.
The surveys also heard repeated complaints about limited public transport to and from Geelong and other towns on the peninsula.
Residents wanted a community hub on the Bellarine Peninsula incorporating health, education and employment services.
City Hall will prepare a list of the concerns from the surveys for distribution to each resident.
A council spokesman said more than 2500 residents had taken part in the various surveys and consultation sessions.
More than 2100 people had responded to the survey, giving more than 112,000 responses to questions about the Bellarine Peninsula.