Poppies on sale

Torquay RSL volunteer poppy seller Clive Badelow fixes poppy appeal stickers to the wrists of sisters Matilda (10) and Addison (13) Biberow of Torquay while dad Mark watches on. (supplied)

Torquay RSL appeals officer Allen Osman has thanked his volunteer poppy sellers for their dedication to raising welfare funds despite inclement weather conditions.

Volunteer poppy sellers are stationed at strategic points in Torquay and North Torquay.

Remembrance Day is on Friday November 11.

“We have a great team of volunteers who have been selling poppies for some years,” Mr Osman said.

“Sellers are near our supermarkets in mid-Torquay and Torquay North from 29 October to 11 November.

“All money raised from the poppy sales goes towards the RSL’s Welfare Fund.

“We would like to see poppies being worn everywhere on Remembrance Day to show that we do remember the sacrifices made, while knowing every dollar raised helps ex-service people and their families when they need assistance.”

Mr Osman said the Poppies on sale ranged from $2 to $50.

“Our aim is to ensure everyone has the opportunity to buy a poppy that they can afford,” he said.