Indigenous cuisine on the menu at The Gordon

Member for Geelong and Parliamentary Secretary for First Peoples Christine Couzens announced on Monday the addition of traditional indigenous cuisine to the menu of training options at The Gordon’s new culinary school.

The Indigenous Culinary program will see an indigenous culinary focus added to the Certificate III in Commercial Cookery course in Geelong as a result of a $1.5 million grant from the state government’s Workforce Training Innovation Fund (WTIF).

The inclusion of the Indigenous Culinary program aims to increase the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander chefs and hospitality workers in the region, while diversifying local menus with the addition of traditional cuisine meal options.

Aboriginal trainers from country and on country will deliver the program at The Gordon’s new Culinary School and training restaurant from next year, which The Gordon CEO Joe Ormeno said would be tailored to the needs of indigenous students.

“The Indigenous Culinary program, to be developed in consultation with the Geelong Aboriginal community, will invite Aboriginal students to learn new skills and develop a pathway into a rewarding career, whilst embracing and connecting to their culture through native foods,” Mr Ormeno said.

Ms Couzens said the grant reflected Labor’s continued commitment to TAFE education.

“The WTIF program continues to provide opportunities for employers, TAFE, private registered training organisations and other stakeholders to work together to improve the efficiency, flexibility and responsiveness of the training and TAFE system in meeting industry skill needs,” she said.