Sheepy’s passion for barbecue

Torquay's Jay 'Sheepy' Becker took out the best burger category in the World Food Championships Australia. (supplied)

By Justin Flynn

Jay Becker fully subscribes to the Aussie tradition of beer and barbecue.

Jay, affectionately known as ‘Sheepy’ to everyone, is an expert in the field and is catching the eyes of competition judges everywhere.

Jay won a ‘golden ticket’ to the USA after winning the Australian Steak Championships in 2021.

In the States, Jay competed against 450 other steak champions and came 82nd.

Recently Jay won the Best Burger category at the Australian version of the World Food Championships in Melbourne. He also finished runner-up in the Beef category.

Jay’s winning entry was his own version of a southern fried chicken burger.

“They (the judges) loved the burger,” he said.

“Chef Paul said it’s probably the best burger he’s ever had and Chef Tom said it was in the top five he’s ever had.”

After watching American Pitmasters on television about five years ago, Jay got hooked on barbecuing.

“I watched American Pitmasters and thought geez that looks good,” he said.

“I’ve learnt a lot and know what I want from a barbecue.

“You learn how to cook good barbecue from making bad barbecue. It’s all the things you don’t do.”

Eventually Jay wants to open his own brewery and smokehouse, preferably in his home town of Torquay.

“I’ve got a hunger to become world champion in steak,” he said.

So what makes a good steak?

“A good steak being able to choose the right steak,” he said.

“Try and find the best marble looking steak and then it’s learning to know what to do with it.

“I could pick a steak and give you a recipe and it doesn’t mean you are going to cook it exactly the same.

“Buy the best that’s within your budget and use the right flavours.”

Jay said Lara Quality Meats provides all the meat for his competitions and Bells Beach Brewery supplies the brews.