New design for co-op redevelopment

New designs for the redevelopment of Lorne's Point Grey have been released. (Supplied)

Ash Bolt

The Great Ocean Road Coast and Parks Authority (GORCAPA) has released a revised concept design for the Lorne Fishing Co-operative building for community input.

The future of the Lorne Fishing Co-operative building has been a talking point for the past two years after plans to demolish the historic building as part of its Point Grey redevelopment project were revealed.

In response to community concerns raised since, which included a crowdfunded campaign to fight the project’s planning permit, GORCAPA has held public meetings and established a Community Co-design Group (CCDG) to help guide the project.

The CCDG was established late last year and is made up of representatives from the Committee for Lorne, Lorne Angling and Aquatic Club, Lorne Historical Society, Friends of Lorne and the Lorne Business and Tourism Association, as well as interested community members.

Four local architects are also members of the group and have worked closely with the project architects to further inform the development and design of the revised concept.

GORCAPA chief executive Jodie Sizer said the establishment of the group had led to a revised design for the co-op.

“Working with the community and CCDG has been such a positive process and builds on the extensive community engagement that has been done to date on the project. The level of shared community knowledge and leadership has been incredibly valuable,” she said.

“We’ve had some robust conversations with the community, CCDG and stakeholders, and while there are challenges ahead, we feel we’ve achieved an outcome that acknowledges and respects the history and cultural significance of the site.”

Under the plan, the controversial Beacon Building has been scrapped for a new concept design that is more closely aligned to the existing co-op building.

The plan states some of the co-op’s external walls will be rebuilt using salvaged and sandblasted bricks to create a 140-plus seat restaurant and dining area.

The CCDG has helped refine the revised concept design to ensure the community’s aspirations are reflected in the development, while working within parameters including budget, time, site limitations, planning and statutory consents and grant funding requirements.

The community can now have its say on the revised design and register to attend community engagement webinars from 5-6pm on Monday, February 28 and from 2-3pm on Saturday, March 5.

The revised design can also be found online at

The Point Grey redevelopment is being delivered as part of the Geelong City Deal, a collaborative project to transform Geelong and the Great Ocean Road by the all levels of government.