Police call for responsible drinking


Ash Bolt

Geelong Police are calling for people to stay safe when going out in the CBD, with an increase in people requiring hospitalisation from alcohol-related incidents.

Geelong Police liquor licensing unit Sergeant Andrew Harris took to social media recently to share police’s concerns about “preloading”.

“There have been several instances in the Geelong CBD where persons have been found unconscious from alcohol abuse,” he said.

“These persons are people going out for the night to meet up with friends or already in the company of friends. In most cases the binge drinking is taking place at a private residence but police have viewed persons on safe street cameras, sculling bottles of wine or spirits prior to entering a licensed venue.

“The danger with preloading is the affect the alcohol consumption has on you – it might not hit you straight away. It may be a short time after the person has entered a venue that they become really drunk without realising.

“This can leave persons vulnerable to a large number of dangerous scenarios including unwanted sexual advances, anti-social behaviour, medical issues as a result of too much alcohol and an inability to recognise risks and the danger that involves.”

Sergeant Harris said the incidents were also taking up “valuable time from emergency services, including hospital beds”.

“For a majority of people who go out they drink responsibly and are out to have a good social experience,” he said.

“Police are asking people who are going to consume alcohol before going out to do it responsibly.

“If you recognise that you are going to be intoxicated, have a safety plan, discuss with a mate who’s going to look out for you and don’t wander off away from friends. Work out how you are getting home – don’t leave a venue at closing time without an idea of how you’re going to get home.

“People should also remember it is an offence to be found drunk in a public place and City of Greater Geelong also has bylaws preventing the consumption of alcohol in public within the Geelong CBD.”