Understandably, all sorts of agencies and authorities have tried riding the feel-good bandwagon of the news that Avalon Airport will finally begin flying internationally.
Fair enough, too. The daily flights to and from Malaysia are sure to deliver positive spin-offs for local tourism operators and the like.
But over 300km away?
Well, that’s the hope of Portland-based Glenelg Shire, which has welcomed the Avalon announcement with expectations that far south-west Victoria is “set to benefit from (the) international air market”.
And the expectations must be considerable given that Mayor Anita Rank described herself as “ecstatic” about the Air Asia flights.
“Our aim is to encourage tourists to travel beyond the Great Ocean Road and this goal is highly achievable with our international visitor numbers set to increase towards the end of the year,” Cr Rank told her community.
Geelong looks forward to faraway Glenelg Shire sharing our Avalon bounty – and commends Cr Rank for setting a new standard in mayoral chutzpah!
Hot on the heels of the Avalon breakthrough comes another achievement for Geelong this Sunday: the opening of Victoria’s only foreign consulate outside Melbourne.
And what a consulate it will be! As reported previously in Double Take, the Consulate of the Republic of Sloevnia will be manned, or these days maybe that should be peopled, by none other than Geelong councillor Eddy Kontelj.
As Victoria’s new Honorary Consul for the Republic of Slovenia, Ed’s in for a big opening weekend. No less than Her Excellency Helena Drnovsek Zorko and Slovenian government minister His Excellency Zdravko Pocivalsek will rock up to help cut the ribbon, the latter travelling all the way from Slovenia for the gig.
A former home on The Esplanade, behind Western Beach Rd, will house the consul office, from which Ed plans to conduct official affairs after hours.
Double Take’s uncertain how much work goes into being Honorary Consul for the Republic of Slovenia, or any other ‘enia’. But Ed surely faces a challenge managing his new role with existing council work and full-time managing directorship of a big earthmoving equipment firm in Melbourne.
Also as a world-record holder for static cycling, Ed will be pedalling faster than ever!
With Valentine’s Day coming up, local couples will be considering their gift options.
Flowers? Done to death.
Dinner and a movie? Boring.
Sexy undergarments? Good luck with the sizing!
How about … a personal breathalyzer?
Yes, that was the unexpected suggestion of one PR firm this week when it urged the Indy to promote its client’s product as “the perfect gift” on Valentine’s Day.
How romantic! As everyone knows, nothing says ‘I love you’ like giving someone a breathalyzer.
As long as it isn’t misinterpreted as saying ‘You drink too much’!