Home safety threat

Andrew Mathieson
A NORLANE resident has threatened not to pay his rates unless Geelong’s council cleans up a derelict Plume Street house that’s been a target of arsonists.
Viv Cooper said he fears for neighbours’ health and safety, especially after children approached him this week to collect wood from the building to build a cubby house.
Mr Cooper said he’s had enough of a lack of action from City Hall to clear up the debris.
The abandoned property has been set alight five times since 2003, including twice last year.
Mr Cooper said the site was a fire hazard, contained asbestos and was a disease risk.
“The children were in there the other day (Monday) and it’s all getting very dangerous,” he said.
“The back fence has fallen down and people have access to it.
“I’ve phoned the council on numerous occasions and nobody is doing anything about it.
“They’ve washed their hands of it; they say they will but time has proven they won’t,” Mr Copper said.
Mr Cooper said some people were using the site to dump rubbish.
It prompted him to instigate a personal campaign to inform local schools and parents of neighbourhood children of the dangers.
Mr Cooper said he feared another fire at the site could have more dire consequences.
“All the time we don’t get any rest,” Mr Cooper said.
“Last time it popped all the windows up the side of the house.
“If we hadn’t been on our mettle, we would’ve probably been killed.”
Mr Cooper said he believed council had been “irresponsible” and considered taking extreme action to protest his disgust.
“I have been thinking of withdrawing my rates,” he said.
“I don’t know why we pay our rates. They certainly haven’t given me a reason to.”
The Independent reported on the home in late 2003 when Mr Cooper first complained to authorities about the dangers the house posed.
At the time, former Lara MP Peter Loney called on Geelong’s council to improve living conditions for Norlane residents.
But a City spokesperson said council was dealing with the public safety concerns under its building regulations.
City Hall also confirmed council health officers are investigating issues relating to vermin and possible asbestos at the site.
The matter is also being reviewed in relation to possible action under the City’s Local Law on ruinous buildings.