By Luke Voogt
Northern Bay College student and Bollywood fanatic Zahra Hussaini can’t wait to dance in Music Australia’s Count Us In next month.
“I was so excited to be chosen for the dance,” the Grade 4 student said.
Zahra, 12, helped her fellow students choreograph the dance moves for the Geelong schools participating in the event.
“A bit nervous but I’m proud of myself and my friends,” she said.
Zahra dreams of one day being a Bollywood star and loves the creativity of dance.
“It’s having a go but not just doing what the teacher tells you to do,” she said.
The college’s performing arts co-ordinator Amanda Baulch said her students had plenty of input.
“They all choreograph it in small groups themselves – then we sort of came up with the final dance.”
The college taped the dance before sending it to other Geelong schools
“It saves me going around to the different schools to teach it,” Ms Baulch said.
She said Count Us In was a great way to unite schools.
“Generally schools in Geelong only come together to compete against each other.”
On 3 November schools around Australia will sing the same song together as part of the 10th Count Us In celebration day.