Wind jobs loss claim rejected

STATE Government has rejected claims new wind farm legislation will cost Geelong an economic windfall.
Federal Labor MP for Corangamite Darren Cheeseman said 1100 jobs and almost $3 billion in investment were at risk.
Ten major wind farm developments within 150kms of Geelong would be lost to the state, he warned.
But state Planning Minister Matthew Guy said he was unaware of any plans to cancel wind farm projects.
The state’s new legislation was part of a long-standing coalition policy to give residents control over wind farm development, he said.
“We’re committed to giving local communities a key role in deciding where wind farms will be situated and restoring fairness and certainty to the planning process.
“It’s important that while wind energy develops it does not do so to the detriment of rural and regional Victorians.”
Under the new legislation landowners will have the power of veto over the construction of wind towers within 2km of their homes and 5km of a town.
Mr Cheeseman said the laws sound the death knell of many proposed wind farm projects.
The Government had “blown away” construction jobs that would have been a “brilliant cushion” for the construction industry in times ahead.
“It’s an unbelievably stupid decision, particularly as it’s based around extremist claims of anti-wind energy campaigners,” Mr Cheeseman said.
“Not only are jobs being thrown away, we also lose the opportunity of generating more than 1200 megawatts of clean energy, which (would) reduce our reliance on brown coal.”
The Independent reported earlier this year that Baillieu Government policy to limit development of wind farms in coastal areas had stopped plans for a project near Torquay.