‘Tag’ block to Deakin funds

FEDERAL classification of Geelong as a “major city” could lock Deakin University out of a $500 million investment fund, a Victorian Government frontbencher has warned.
Higher Education Minister Peter Hall said the Commonwealth’s Education Investment Fund was only for universities in areas classified as regional.
“Geelong has been classified as being a major city rather than inner-regional and that is where the definitional problems and uncertainty exist,” Mr Hall said.
“It seems quite odd that, while the city of Geelong is defined as regional for the purposes of state funding, in terms of regional infrastructure funding grants it is not so defined by Federal Government.
“The state and federal governments need to get their act together and reach a consensus as to the definitions and boundaries regarding what is regional and what is not.”
Mr Hall said he had written to Federal Government requesting “some assurance” that Deakin University’s Geelong and Waurn Ponds campuses would qualify for the fund.
Geelong councillor Stretch Kontelj said council was also waiting for a “definitive response” from Federal Government.
“The CEO and the mayor are constantly raising it as a concern at every opportunity they have when meeting with federal ministers.”
Cr Kontelj said the major city tag had “wider” funding ramifications for Geelong.
“For City of Greater Geelong it’s a wider issue than just Deakin,” he said.
“If Geelong is classified into the future as a major city it would close off quite a significant avenue of funding for the City, Deakin, Barwon Health and other institutions and employers.”