Partnership brings spending into focus

Elaine Carbines is looking forward to working with the partnership.

Local projects will have “direct access” to decision-makers directing state funding under a new model for regional Victoria, according to a leading lobby group.
The new system also had a sharper focus on the region rather than lumping it in with areas stretching to the South Australia border said Geelong Regional Alliance (G21) chief Elaine Carbines.
“G21 welcomes the establishment of the new Barwon Region Partnership from 1 July,” she said.
The partnership would advise a new ministerial subcommittee considering regional funding priorities, with Regional Development Minister Jaala Pulford as chair.
“This is especially important, as it will give BRP direct access to the ministerial subcommittee (regarding) funding priorities and the state budget process,” Ms Carbine said.
“G21 considers this a very important change as this opportunity did not exist under the previous system.”
The previous model covered south-western Victoria to the border but the partnership focused on Geelong, the Surf Coast, Borough of Queenscliffe and Colac Otway Shire.
The partnership’s focus would be “growing the economic prosperity of the region and developing place-based solutions such as the GROW (G21 Region Opportunities for Work) project,” Ms Carbine said.
Ms Pulford said the funding decisions of the new partnership, to replace the previous coalition government’s Barwon South West Regional Management Forum, would “reflect local priorities”.
The partnerships identified “strategic priorities” could cover anything from economic and social to environmental issues, she said.
“We understand that every region is different and we know for a fact that regional communities have their own issues, aspirations and understanding of the challenges and opportunities that they face.”