12 to four wards ‘preferred option’

Geelong’s council could be slashed from 12 wards to four under options put out for public comment.
Four options for fewer but larger wards and one less councillor were released this week for the Victorian Electoral Commission’s (VEC) “electoral representation review”.
State law requires the VEC to reduce Geelong’s non-mayoral councillors from 12 to 11, which means a reduction of at least one ward.
The VEC said the “preferred” option A was for a trio of three-councillor wards and one two-councillor ward.
“Alternative” option D was the closest to the existing arrangement, with 11 single-councillor wards.
“The review has considered a range of information, including preliminary public submissions, to form its options for an electoral structure that will provide fair and equitable representation for all voters in the municipality,” the VEC said.
“Anyone interested in the future electoral structure of the council can make a public submission in response to the preliminary report.”
The VEC said the report was available at City Hall or vec.vic.gov.au
Submissions could be lodged online at the same address, emailed to greatergeelongreview@vec.vic.gov.au, faxed to 9629 8632 or posted to VEC, Level one, 530 Collins St, Melbourne, 3000, by 17 February.
Those submitting could request to address a public hearing at City Hall on 24 February, the VEC said.
“If there are no requests to speak the hearing will not be held.”
A final report containing the VEC’s recommendation to the Minister for Local Government is scheduled for release on Wednesday 16 March.