Three-ring circus time for Geelong’s ringmaster


IT’S SHAPING up as Geelong’s biggest party in years – a Gatsby-like circus-cabaret-burlesque show complete with pythons, fire-eaters, contortionists and acrobats.
The guest list is expected to include industry captains, celebrities, entrepreneurs, politicians, media and all manner of movers and shakers before it’s thrown open to the whole of Geelong.
Red carpet, stiltwalking ushers and smoke bombs on the street will greet guests at the 50th birthday of Geelong mayor Darryn Lyons in what he says will be like a Cirque du Soleil-Moulin Rouge extravaganza.
The celebrations are set for his Home House nightclub on August 21.
“There will be aerial hoopists, fire breathers, tumblers, dancers, showgirls, burlesque — lots of silk and feathers,” a spokesperson told the Independent this week.
“If you think like Water for Elephants, the old 1930s circuses, you’ll be close.
“We’ve confirmed fire-spinners, a midget ringmaster, live nude body painting, cigarette girls on skates serving canapés, aerial performers, a strongman and jugglers.
“There’ll be a burlesque dancer and python, trick skaters, live music, a sideshow alley. We’re still locking in the live performers.
“Performers have been sourced from Geelong and Melbourne and we’re expecting a lot of media, political and business and social scene figures.”
Cr Lyons has already been inviting friends informally, telling them to keep the date free.
“There will be acts you just won’t believe, it’s going to be spectacular,” he said.