Greeks reunite to restore church, congretation

REPAIRS NEEDED: Danny Papas, Tania Anasthosopoulos, Helen Polyzos and George Katos outside Geelong's Greek Orthodox Church. 137633 Picture: Reg Ryan

GEELONG’S Greek Orthodox Church is staging a reunion this weekend as it seeks to shore up declining numbers and apply some TLC to its ageing Bell Park home.
The fundraiser reunion, for Geelong’s Greeks and friends, will take the shape of a cocktail soiree at the Taliska Ave church hall from 6.30pm Saturday.
“It’s open to Greeks and all the friends of Greeks, often people who we’ve grown up with,” said George Katos, president of Geelong Greek Community.
“I was born and bred in Geelong and grew up with a lot of Greek and Italian Australians. We’re getting together to raise money with a $30 entry donation.
“The church has been there since the late 1950s. Members-wise, we’ve got about 250 people at the moment but there’s a lot more Greeks in Geelong than members but they’ve dropped off.”
Mr Katos said the church was overdue for maintenance and running repairs, which the reunion would hopefully address.
The entertainment would be DJs George and Steve Toppa, with tickets at the door, Mr Katos said.