BRONWYN McGuire was unaware she was performing above and beyond the call of duty.
So she was surprised to win the outstanding employee section of the inaugural Geelong Awards for People with a Disability for her work at Shannon Park Industries.
“I didn’t think I was doing anything out of the ordinary,” Bronwyn confided.
Her training and support officer, Emma Davis, thought otherwise, nominating Bronwyn for her enthusiasm, work ethic and workplace achievements.
“I was blown away, I wasn’t expecting it at all,” Bronwyn said.
The award has renewed her zeal to encourage others with a disability to participate in their communities.
“People with a disability are being recognised and accepted as part of the community as opposed to being swept under the carpet and hidden away in a hidey hole. We’re not just a wheelchair or whatever the disability is, we’re not aliens and we can contribute, maybe differently to other people, but we still can.”
Bronwyn said winning the award gave her greater responsibility to be a role model for others with a disability to come out of their shell too.
“I’ll do anything I can to influence and help greater awareness.”
Other winners were: Ingrid Hindell, volunteering; Phoebe Mitchell, sport and recreation; Thomas Banks, leadership and advocacy; and Cassy Geffke, achievement award.