Buckets and bouquets

BOUQUETS to a gorgeous lady in the car park of Chemist Warehouse Corio on 10 December for taking the time to ask whether I was okay because I looked sad, which I was. She then gave me the biggest, warmest hug I had ever had. Her kindness was overwhelming.
Overwhelmed, North Shore

BUCKETS to inconsiderate drivers, including the driver of a community bus, who not only block the view from legally parked cars but also the left traffic lane, causing confusion among other motorists. The City Hall lights display was spectacular but obscured by inconsiderate drivers.
J Ward, Geelong

BUCKETS to a shopping centre management for allowing a bottle shop to open. We do not need another liquor outlet in this area. A great gift shop closed to make way for the new store.
Mary, Norlane

BUCKETS to Public Transport Victoria for planning to scrap a weekend bus service to Breakwater without consulting residents. This organisation has decided the people of Breakwater are not worthy of a weekend bus service yet Belmont get four. Citizens should stand up to fight this discrimination. Alert your MP.
Over My Dead Body, Breakwater

BOUQUETS to everyone who took care of my husband after a bull hit him on Vines Rd on 9 November. Police are still seeking witnesses with information about what happened. I just want to thank them. Peter passed away from his injuries on 19 November.
DS, Highton

BUCKETS to the low-life who stole our beautiful yellow Asiatic lillies from our front garden for the second year running. Everyone who passed by admired them, including you. They won’t be there next year.
Flower Lover, Highton

BOUQUETS to Teresa Reidy for 15 years of teaching at Karingal EdLinks. On behalf of former students and co-workers, thanks for your kind and gentle manner that touched the hearts of so many people. Enjoy your retirement.
Julia, Belmont

BUCKETS to 97 Per Cent Right (Buckets & Bouquets, 12 December). Here is something that is actually right: the world has not warmed for 16 years, which makes all anthropogenic climate change computer models and theories wrong. And on that the science really is settled.
Now You’re The Denier, Newtown

BUCKETS to a man for catapulting marbles into neighbours’ backyards. It’s not funny, it’s dangerous. We think you need psychological help with your problem.
Residents, Belmont