Mayor call for airport state ‘help’

HELP: Mayor Darryn Lyons.


STATE Government should step in to help Avalon Airport survive its sizeable competition in Melbourne, Mayor Darryn Lyons has told Geelong’s business community.
Continuing his appeal for local support of Avalon, Cr Lyons said the shadow of Tullamarine loomed over the fledgling airport.
“I don’t understand why we don’t get Tiger, why we don’t get Virgin,” Cr Lyons said.
“We know there’s Tullamarine. There needs to be some government intervention to change it as well.
“Avalon is caught in a perfect storm at the moment. It has huge potential and that will start around the food exports.
“Avalon is waiting to happen, its time will come, it will be one of the biggest economic drivers for the region.
“We need to lobby, use and keep loving it. Don’t fall out of love with Avalon.”
Cr Lyons said he doubted the claim of sole Avalon airline Jetstar that 80 per cent of Geelong domestic passengers bypassed Avalon.
“We’re filling those planes 90 per cent at the moment,” he said.
The Independent has reported in recent weeks that the airport, considered vital to Geelong’s economic future, has been under siege.
Jetstar’s local patronage has fallen from 60 to 20 per cent since inception and the airline has reduced services, with Sydney now its sole destination from Avalon. Plans for a $50 million rail spur line remain in limbo and an international carrier is yet to materialise.
Meanwhile, Melbourne Airport has announced growth plans for 38 million passengers by 2018 and to 64.37 million by 2033.
“Approximately 30,000 international aircraft are expected to arrive at Melbourne Airport annually by 2033, bringing 3.2 million foreign visitors who are expected to spend up to $8.5 billion in the state,” its master plan said.
Avalon Airport chief Justin Giddings said State Government must decide whether the projected rate of Melbourne Airport’s growth was in the best interests of Victoria.
A new runway proposed for Melbourne would “create a lot of impost on residents” nearby and “congestion on roads already at capacity,” Mr Giddings said.
“If that capacity came into Avalon the impost on the community would be far less with same result.”
A Government spokesperson said Avalon was “a strategically important aviation asset for Victoria”.
“The Government continues to work with the operators of Avalon Airport to secure international operations.
“There is great potential for Avalon as Melbourne’s second airport and we encourage the Geelong community to continue to support their local air service.”