Stages of sale set to create home theatres in Geelong

Alex de Vos
Local theatre buffs will be able to get their hands on pieces of stage memorabilia when Geelong’s Courthouse Art Centre sells its collection of props and costumes this weekend.
A pair of 1930s antique chairs, locally-designed costumes and giant puppets are among the quirky items up for grabs at the Sunday sale.
Courthouse Arts Centre’s Malcolm Sanders said the sale would clear the floor for a $6.5 million redevelopment of Geelong’s premier youth complex.
“At the moment we’ve got about 14 years worth of things,” Mr Sanders said.
Mr Sanders said word of the clearance sale had sparked interest around town.
“A few people have been saying they want to buy a few things and there are schools that are interested in the props.”
Courthouse Art’s Ben Laden said proceeds from the sale would support the youth centre’s extensive range of programs.
Mr Laden said the new complex would feature an art gallery, lifts, dressing rooms, a 150-seat theatre and recording and dance studios.
“Young people are crying out for it,” he said.
“Once it’s finished, it’s going to be an amazing complex.”