Heritage body told: scrap new plan for bridge

Jessica Benton
GEELONG’S council told Heritage Victoria to scrap Vicroads’ latest plan for a new Barwon Heads Bridge.
Councillors voted this week to send a submission to Heritage Victoria recommending a single timber bridge.
Councillor Rod Macdonald said Vicroads had misled the community on how much of the existing bridge would be retained under the new plan.
“The main recommendation of the ministerial advisory committee was that the Barwon Heads Bridge be retained and reconstructed but it’s unclear how much of the old bridge would be retained under this new proposal,” he said.
Cr Peter McMullin called the bridge an asset to the community.
“The bridge, as well as being a major transport link, has historic and cultural significance to the residents of Barwon Heads and this fact is reflected in council’s submission that the bridge should be reconstructed and maintained as the single crossing,” he said.
The Independent reported last month that residents would also lobby Vicroads to redraw its plan.
Friends of the Barwon Heads Bridge’s Bernard Napthine said the group favoured either relocation of a proposed footbridge upstream on the other side of the new bridge or reverting to Vicroads’ initial plan to upgrade the existing structure.
Vicroads planned to demolish the existing bridge after building a new river crossing for vehicles six metres downstream. The proposal included a separate bridge alongside for pedestrians and cyclists.
The new plan conflicted with a State Government pre-election promise to “save” the bridge.
Submissions on Vicroads’ proposed plan close today.
Heritage Victoria will now review submissions to make a recommendation on Vicroads’ proposal for Planning Minister Justin Madden, who will make the final decision.