Truckers feel pinch as region’s petrol prices hit $1.60

Alex de Vos
Geelong transport companies were feeling the squeeze harder than most as fuel prices reached all-time highs in the region yesterday.
Petrol stations across Geelong were charging up to $1.60 yesterday after Melbourne motorists paid as much as $1.65 for unleaded petrol during the week.
McColls transport manager Dave Howard said the company was feeling the pinch despite passing on some of the increases to customers.
“It’s certainly having an effect on our business – it’s effecting everyone,” Mr Howard said.
“We absorb the increase for some of our major customers but for most customers we add a levy, which fluctuates depending on the fuel price.
“Luckily, we haven’t lost any customers.”
Josie’s Transport Group general manager Michael Motika said the rising petrol prices were also taking a toll on his company.
“We’ve got a fuel levy in place but it still hurts,” Mr Motika said.
“We’ve had to increase our fleet because we’ve lost a lot of our subcontractors. They’re getting more selective on jobs because of the high petrol prices. It makes life difficult.”