On a mission to have fun

Alex de Vos
MORE than 90 children participated in a free Christian holiday program in Torquay this week.
The Scripture Union Family Mission holiday program provided entertainment and activities for children aged between five and 13.
Director Matthew Lancaster said the program included playing games, performing puppet shows, craft and Bible story telling.
“Every morning the kids do a craft,” Mr Lancaster said.
“We make puppets and play hide-and-seek,” Mr Lancaster said.
“It’s really up to the kids to use their creativity.
“It’s more of a fun children activity program.
“The kids will always remember the fun they had, not the Bible.”
Mr Lancaster said the program had been running for five years.
“At the same time last year we had about 49 kids involved.”
He said the program, held at Torquay Common, attracted holidaymakers and locals.