Jane Emerick
By Jane Emerick
Torquay Golf Club members have slammed the club’s managers for failing to act on warnings of missing money months ago.
Police are investigating after RACV accountants found discrepancies while checking the club’s finances.
The RACV sent in its accountants after members backed the organisation’s takeover proposal earlier this year.
Dale Reid said he and around 15 other members, including four on the committee, warned the club they believed money was missing six months ago.
“Office staff told us there was underhand things going on behind closed doors,” Mr Reid said.
“We approached management with the information and they said it was none of our business and that the books were in good working order. We were also denied access to the books.
“Big numbers were missing every week and $200,000 in discrepancies must have stood out like dog’s balls. The RACV discovered it right away and now the club has come out and finally said money is missing.
“Well, sorry, but we told you so – we told you six months ago.”
Mr Reid said he had “no idea” why the club had failed to act on the warnings.
“They also refused an independent audit of the club before the RACV takeover.”
Travis Coles said he resigned from the committee in April because he did not want to be associated with the club when it emerged money was missing.
In his resignation letter to the committee Mr Coles wrote of “grave concerns” with the club’s financial management.
An RACV spokesperson said the financial standing of the club would not affect the sale.
The spokesperson could not rule out the RACV “baling out the club” if it was in financial difficulty from the missing cash.
New general manager Richard Mierzejewski, who replaced Bill Laird three weeks ago, after the former manager left for a job at the RACV’s Cape Schank course, said the club was unable to comment on the missing funds while police were investigating.
“I’m excited about the opportunity of being down here and we’re looking forward to moving ahead a stronger club.” Mr Mierzejewski said.
“We consider this a hiccup.”